
5 unusual facts about Dignitatis Humanae

Dignitatis Humanae

The dispute was over the traditional understanding of the relationship of the Catholic Church to secular states and how it supported relations with “confessional” states such as Spain and Italy.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre cited this document as one of the fundamental reasons for his difficulties with the Second Vatican Council.

During this entire time, pressure continued on Murray, with Apostolic Delegate to the U.S. Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi attempting to silence him.


Dignitatis Humanae is the Second Vatican Council's Declaration on Religious Freedom.

Winnipeg Statement

Supporters contend that the Canadian Bishops were merely trying to defend those who had not matured sufficiently in their faith, and that they were simply upholding the established doctrine expressed in Dignitatis Humanae, the Vatican II Declaration on Religious Freedom.

Aloys Grillmeier

It was here that he first met Cardinal Woytyla and worked with him in writing various works, papers and documents including "Gaudium et Spes", "Lumen gentium", "Dei verbum" and "Dignitatis humanae".

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