
unusual facts about Dii


At the commencement of the Peloponnesian war Sitalces entered into alliance with the Athenians, and in 429 BC he invaded Macedon (then ruled by Perdiccas II) with a vast army that included 150,000 warriors from independent Thracian tribes (such as the Dii) and Paeonian tribes (Agrianes, Laeaeans).

Portico Dii Consentes

The Portico Dii Consentes ("Portico of the Harmonious Gods"), sometimes known as the Area of the Dii Consentes, is located at the bottom of the ancient Roman road that leads up to the Capitol in Rome and to the Temple of Jupiter at its summit.

Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram

Elements of the chant were included in the song "uTho-uTho he bharat" in the movie Bharat Milap (1942), the song "de dii hamen aazaadii binaa khaDg binaa Dhaal" in the movie Jagriti (1954), Purab Aur Paschim (1970) and in the film Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998), in the Kannada film Gandhi Nagara (1998), and in the movie Gandhi (1982).


Herodotus is the only ancient writer who mentions the Satrae, and Tomaschek regards the name not as that of a people but of the warlike nobility among the Thracian Dii and Bessi.

see also