
unusual facts about Dilophosaurus

Lagarina Valley

In the locality Lavini di Marco, near Rovereto, are several dinosaur footprints attributed to the genera Camptosaurus and Dilophosaurus.


Dilophosaurus |


The native animals will attack the Nanosaur when their eggs are threatened; species encountered include Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Dilophosaurus (who spits like in Jurassic Park), and the flying reptile Pteranodon.

After making his way across the river, the Nanosaur detects the final eggs in a canyon oasis, where various dinosaurs, namely Dilophosaurus and Stegosaurus, are attempting to hinder his progress in order to protect their eggs.

Neck frill

Similar to the portrayal of the dinosaur Dilophosaurus in Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park, the frill-necked lizard can puff out these neck frills either side of its head when threatened.

see also