
2 unusual facts about Directive

CE marking

For example, most electrical products must comply with the Low Voltage Directive and the EMC Directive; electrical toys must also comply with the Toy Safety Directive.


The main directive in the European Union affecting the manufacture, labelling and supply of cosmetics and personal care products is Cosmetics Directive 76/768/EEC.

Afghan Public Protection Force

A bridging strategy for the implementation of PD62 was signed on 15 March 2011 by GIRoA Minister of Interior Bismillah Khan Mohammadi and President Karzai’s Senior Advisor Ashraf Ghani that designates 20 March 2012 as the official date for existing PSC’s full compliance with the PD62 directive.

Air route authority between the United States and China

Following a 1987 directive, six Chinese airlines were formed in 1988 when CAAC, the Chinese airline and government regulatory agency for aviation was split and reorganized.

Anuncio de Señales y Frenado Automático

ASFA is a directive of the Westcab intermittent train control technology commercialized by WABCO's Italian subsidiary and licensed to Dimetal of Spain for use on various Ibenian rail systems.

Battle of Kujin

On 24 October, MacArthur had removed all restrictions on the movement of his forces south of the Yalu River and prepared for the final phase of the UN advance, defying a directive of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff and risking Chinese intervention in support of North Korea.

Battle of Pakchon

On 24 October, MacArthur had removed all restrictions on the movement of his forces south of the Yalu River and prepared for the final phase of the advance, defying a directive of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff and risking Chinese intervention in support of North Korea.

British Rail HS4000

After the Hither Green rail crash, British Rail issued a directive that all locomotives should have an axle weight of no-more than 21 tons.

Bureau of the Fiscal Service

The Bureau of the Fiscal Service (BFS) is an agency of the United States federal government which replaced the Bureau of the Public Debt and the Financial Management Service effective October 7, 2012 per directive of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic

However the conflict with Poland did not break out and the Soviet High Command's 12 January directive was to cease advance on the Neman-Bug rivers.

CIA activities in Afghanistan

While the actual document has not been declassified, National Security Decision Directive 166 of 27 March 1985, "US Policy, Programs and Strategy in Afghanistan" defined a US policy of using established the US goal of driving Soviet forces from Afghanistan "by all means available", including the provision of Stinger missiles.

Dangerous Preparations Directive

The European Court of Justice had ruled in 1985 that Dangerous Substances Directive (67/548/EEC) applies only to pure substances, not preparations (mixtures of substances).

Dark Days/Light Years

The statement went on to claim that the saxophone and lap steel guitar have been consigned to the "banned instrument directive of the SFA board" with drummer Dafydd Ieuan apparently developing a phobia of the latter.

Detroit Free Press v. Ashcroft

Believing this closure to be a violation to First Amendment rights to speech and press, The Detroit News, Detroit Free Press, Metro Times, Haddad, and Michigan Representative John Conyers filed a suit against John Ashcroft, Michael Creppy, and Immigration Judge Elizabeth Hacker (the Government) claiming that the Creppy Directive was unconstitutional.

The plaintiffs, Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, Michigan Representative John Conyers, and Rabih Haddad argued that it was a violation of the First Amendment for the defendants, Attorney General Ashcroft, Chief Immigration Judge Creppy, and Immigration Judge Elizabeth Hacker, to apply a blanket ruling of the Creppy Directive in order to keep immigration hearings closed to the press and the public.

Directive 96/82/EC

Council Directive 96/82/EC of 9 December 1996 on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances (as amended) is a European Union law aimed at improving the safety of sites containing large quantities of dangerous substances.

It is also known as the Seveso II Directive, after the Seveso disaster.

Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications

The directive has been criticised by the software firm Silktide who initially produced a range of tools for web developers who wanted to make sure they were not falling foul of the law, but the company now describes the efforts as "a tragic waste of time".

The Directive does not apply to Titles V and VI (Second and Third Pillars constituting the European Union).

Directive on services in the internal market

In Tony Blair's speech to the European Parliament on 23 June, he committed the UK Presidency to try to "resolve some of the hard dossiers", of which the Services Directive was one.

Directive on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions

According to SmithKline Beecham lobbyist Simon Gentry, the company allocated 30 million ECU from the start for a pro-Directive campaign.

On December 13, 1995, the Commission adopted a new proposal was nearly identical to the rejected version, was changed again, but the Parliament put aside its ethical concerns on patenting of human genes in on July 12, 1998 in its second reading and adopted the Common Position of the Council, so in the second legislative process, the directive was adopted.

Dutch Boy Paint

Founded in 1907 by the National Lead Company, Dutch Boy is currently a subsidiary of, and is owned and operated by the Diversified Brands Division of the Sherwin-Williams Company, who acquired it in 1980, three years after the CPSC's directive banning the manufacture of lead housepaint went into effect.

Edgar Beecher Bronson

Formerly a reporter for the New York Tribune, Bronson headed west in 1877 to learn the cattle business under the directive of Clarence King — first director of the United States Geological Survey and owner of large mining and cattle operations in the American West.

GURPS Prime Directive

Originally GURPS Prime Directive, the GURPS Klingons imperial source book and GURPS Module Prime Alpha module were released under the third edition of GURPS.

Hacha Grande

The mountain makes up part of the highest mountain range on the island, Los Ajaches, which is designated a Special Protection Area (SPA) under the European Commission Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds.

Joaquin Calomarde

This contravened a PP directive which the party had issued days earlier advising its members to cease cooperation with the newspaper following statements by its owner Jesús de Polanco, which the party considered offensive.

Killykeen Forest Park

Responsibility for the upkeep of Killykeen is through the state's commercial forestry service Coillte together with the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) where Lough Oughter and its associated loughs are protected under the EU Habitats Directive as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and a Special Protection Area (SPA) for wildlife and particularly wintering birds.

Legal issues in airsoft

Letter of Instruction 1264, a Presidential Directive, signed by former President Ferdinand Marcos in 1982, bans the import, sale and public display of gun replicas.

Marine Doom

In 1996, General Charles C. Krulak, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps issued a directive to use wargames for improving "Military Thinking and Decision Making Exercises".

Mauricio Rodríguez Múnera

He has also worked as Dean of the Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración, his alma mater from 2007 to 2009, and was with Dow Chemical from 1981 to 1993, where he occupied several directive positions in Colombia, Venezuela, the United States, Switzerland and Italy.

Motorised quadricycle

In 1992, the European Union published Directive 92/61/EEC which considered that quadricycles fell into the same category as mopeds.

Negationism in India: Concealing the Record of Islam

Elst claims that historians of the Aligarh school (e.g. Irfan Habib) or Indian Marxists (e.g. Romila Thapar) have resorted to history-rewriting: "Therefore, in 1982 the National Council of Educational Research and Training issued a directive for the rewriting of schoolbooks. Among other things, it stipulated that: "Characterization of the medieval period as a time of conflict between Hindus and Muslims is forbidden.

Noise-induced hearing loss

In the European Union, directive 2003/10/EC mandates that employers shall provide hearing protection at noise levels exceeding 80 dB(A), and that hearing protection is mandatory for noise levels exceeding 85 dB(A).

Offshore bank

In their efforts to stamp down on cross border interest payments EU governments agreed to the introduction of the Savings Tax Directive in the form of the European Union withholding tax in July 2005.

Old Freak Street

But in early 1970s the government of Nepal started a round-up of hippies on Freak Street and they were physically deported to India, an action propelled largely by a directive from the government of United States of America.


When the National Liberation Army changed its name into the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) on March 1, 1945, the OZNA of Democratic Federal Yugoslavia proclaimed by special directive (March 24, 1945) a new organization of the JNA - OZNA.


The objectives of the directive are in line with the World Health Organization's guidelines for ozone.

Paul Bikle

Just before 1961 Christmas Paul Bikle gave directive to Charles Richard to quickly and cheaply design and build what would become the template for wing used for 'Standard Rogallo' hang gliders in modern hang gliding.

Posted Workers Directive

The Directive came to prominence during the 2009 Lindsey Oil Refinery strikes after British workers at the Lindsey Oil Refinery in North Killingholme, North Lincolnshire claimed that they were being undercut by skilled foreign labour when the Italian construction contractor IREM appointed several hundred European (mainly Italian and Portuguese) contractors on the site at a time of high unemployment in the local and global economy.

Robert Zollitsch

German Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger condemned the "wall of silence" within the Catholic hierarchy, accusing the church of hiding behind a 2001 Vatican directive that called for cases of abuse to be investigated internally before going to state authorities.

Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation Aids

The 9/11 commission credits FAA National Operations Manager Ben Sliney with issuing the directive after he witnessed United Airlines Flight 175 crash into the south tower of the World Trade Center.


The village has expanded greatly in the past 5 years, with several hundred new houses being built, it would appear that all available land - however small - has been developed for housing in line with the prevailing government directive of using Brownfield sites before Greenfield land sites.


This directive bans from the market new electrical and electronic equipment containing more than agreed to levels of lead, cadmium, mercury hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and polybrominated biphenyl Ether (PBDE) flame retardants.

South Ural Military District

According the directive № 0444 of People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Josef Stalin on November 26 1941, established the South Ural Military District in Bashkir, Headquarters of the Military District was in Chkalov, appointed Lieutenant General Vladimir Nikolaevich Kurdyumov as commander.

Star Fireworks

In 2013 Star Fireworks took action when changes in the European Pyrotechnic Directive threatened their business and others with closure, gaining the support of local MP Dr Phillip Lee and the Consumer Affairs Minister Jo Swinson MP who, with the industry found a solution to the problem.

Supernatural abilities in Scientology doctrine

This refers to a directive issued by the Church that their primary goal must be to expand the size of all Scientology service organizations to the size that Saint Hill was in the 1960s - in other words, more than 200 staff members in each organization.

Test-Achats vs Council of Ministers

The case was taken by a Belgian consumer association, Test-Achats, against the Belgian government claiming that the legal measure adopted by the government to transpose the Gender Directive into EU law violated the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

Uki Goñi

In Argentina, President Néstor Kirchner ordered the repeal of a secret directive of 1938 prohibiting Argentine diplomats from granting visas to Jews fleeing from the Holocaust in Europe.

Undefined behavior

In practice, many C implementations recognize, for example, #include guards — but GCC 1.17, upon finding a #pragma directive, would instead attempt to launch commonly distributed Unix games such as NetHack and Rogue, or start Emacs running a simulation of the Towers of Hanoi.

Working Time Directive

The Working Time Directive has also been clarified and interpreted through a number of rulings in the European Court of Justice.

Workplace Health and Safety Directive

The EU Workplace Health and Safety Directive (89/391/EEC) is a European Union directive that sets out general principles for protection of workers' Occupational safety and health.

see also