
unusual facts about Disgruntled


Disgruntled is a 2008 horror film directed by John Conatser, written by Jake Jarvi and Conatser, and starring Mouzam Makkar, Mark Nilsson, Catherine Warren, and Franklin Leslie Steinman.


1980 New Orleans Saints season

In embarrassment they called themselves the Unknown Fan (a spinoff from The Unknown Comic) in a practice that would become the trademark of disgruntled fans across various sports in the United States.

Afrikaner Calvinism

By the account of Irving Hexham, according to Klaus Venter and Hendrick Stoker who were themselves disgruntled members of the secret organisation, in 1927 the Broederbond moved to Potchefstroom University, asking that the school would take over leadership of the then-struggling group.

Clothes Make the Pirate

The film is a comedy that centers on a disgruntled 18th century Bostonian, played by Errol, who while wishing that he was a pirate, dons the clothes and play-acts the part.

Connellan air disaster

Carried out by a disgruntled former employee of Connellan Airways (Connair), who flew a Beechcraft Baron into the Connair complex at the airport, the attack killed four other people and injured four more, two of them seriously.

Década moderada

Nevertheless, some of the provinces were disgruntled with the increased centralism, as shown by events such as the Solís Uprising of 1846.

Donald J. Albosta

It was later revealed that the person behind the leaked briefing books was Paul Corbin, a former aide to Robert Kennedy and a disgruntled Ted Kennedy supporter.

Donkey Kong Land III

Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong have already taken off to find it, leaving a disgruntled Dixie Kong behind.

Elin Ekblom Bak

Ekblom Bak engaged sports lawyer Jean-Louis Dupont to make a legal challenge on her behalf and the rules eventually changed, but disgruntled Ekblom Bak had already decided to leave.

George Paton Smith

On 17 May 1870 a disgruntled Irish-born previous employee at The Age, Gerald Supple, shot Smith in La Trobe Street, inflicting a wound to Smith's elbow and killing a bystander.

Goldhawk Road

Goldhawk Road was of little note until the mid-seventeenth century, when a cottage on the street became the home of one Miles Sindercombe, a disgruntled Roundhead who in 1657 made several attempts to assassinate Oliver Cromwell.

Haggar Clothing

Jimmy Connors once offered a pair of Haggars as a peace offering to his disgruntled opponent, Rod Laver.


Helldorado, a nickname for Tombstone, Arizona (and variation of El Dorado) created in the 1880s by a disgruntled miner who wrote a letter to the Tombstone Nugget newspaper complaining about trying to find his fortune and ending up washing dishes

Independent Jewish Workers Party

The party was led by disgruntled former Bundists such Manya Wilbushewitz (later Shochat), A. Tschermerisky, G. Shakhnovich and Y. Volin.

Liberals for Italy

The group was formed on 12 November 2011 by five disgruntled members of Silvio Berlusconi's The People of Freedom party and coalition: Roberto Antonione, Giustina Destro, Fabio Gava, Giancarlo Pittelli and Luciano Sardelli.


In 1960, a disgruntled Mick Anglo recycled some of his Marvelman stories as Captain Miracle which appeared briefly under his Anglo Comics imprint which folded in 1961.

Maximilian Steinberg

Fellow student Igor Stravinsky felt disgruntled at the apparent favor of Steinberg by Rimsky-Korsakov over him.

Million Dollar Mystery

Tom Bosley has the starring role as Sidney Preston, a disgruntled White House aide who took off with $4 million that belonged to the government.

Nguyễn Chánh Thi

In September 1964, he and Kỳ helped rescue Khánh from a coup attempt by two disgruntled Catholic Diệmist generals, Lâm Văn Phát and Dương Văn Đức.


In opposition to this, Prodi supporters, grassroots activists, disgruntled Populars and other groups (including Movement for Democracy – The Net and Italy of Values) organized a new "Ulivist" party, The Democrats.

Patricia Bosworth

She can also be seen as a notably disgruntled redhead in the audience of the 1958 Newport Jazz Festival, in Bert Stern's Jazz on a Summer's Day (1960).

Phanes of Halicarnassus

Phanes, disgruntled with the pharoh deserted Egypt and travelled by the ship with the intention of speaking with the Persian emperor Cambyses II.

Tommy Yune

On July 2, 2007 at the Anime Expo in Long Beach, California, a disgruntled Macross fan by the name of Schiller, who posted on Macross World's forums under the username "Khyron Prime", hit Yune in the face with a plate full of cream pie.

Trouble in the Glen

By the time American widower, Major Jim "Lance" Lansing (Tucker), a former Air Force pilot who was stationed in Scotland during World War II, returns there, the disgruntled villagers are burning the laird in effigy.

see also