
2 unusual facts about Disney family

Disney family

Distant relatives active in entertainment or media include singer/voice actress Melissa Disney, TV Guide executive Anthea Disney, musician Colin Thomas, College Gameday host Lee Corso, surfer Derrick Disney, and Makela Disney.

The family name, originally d'Isigny ("from Isigny"), is of Norman French derivation, coming from the canton of Isigny-sur-Mer.

see also

Mike Bonifer

He was a founding producer for The Disney Channel, where he produced and directed the award-winning series, Disney Family Album He was the first producer ever to use Betacam video format in a television series (Disney Family Album, 1982), and the first to shoot Betacam video underwater (Splash, 1984).

Norton Disney

Norton Disney is the seat of the Disney family, the name an Anglicised version of the original French surname d'Isigny, of Isigny-sur-Mer, Normandy, from whom film producer Walt Disney's family might be descended.


Pyewacket (yacht), a MaxZ86-class sailing yacht commissioned in 2004 by Roy E. Disney; also a Santa Cruz 70 sailed by the Disney family.

Richard G. Hubler

Hubler was commissioned by Walt Disney Productions and the Disney family to prepare a biography of Walt Disney shortly after Disney's death, which he researched and wrote during 1967-1968.

Stoke Hammond

The Disney family, apparently related to the illustrator Walt Disney, was also at one time an influential family in the parish.