It is however contended by dispensational teachers such as Charles Caldwell Ryrie, J. Dwight Pentecost and Arnold Fruchtenbaum that ultradispensationalism is removed enough from dispensationalism to not any longer be dispensationalism at all.
Dispensationalism was boosted after Dwight L. Moody (1837–99) learned of "dispensational truth" from an unidentified member of the Brethren in 1872.
They also gave the dispensationalist movement institutional permanence by assuming leadership of the new independent Bible institutes such as the Moody Bible Institute in 1886, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (now Biola University) in 1908, and the Philadelphia College of the Bible (now Cairn University, formerly Philadelphia Biblical University) in 1913.
He takes a Dispensationalist position, however, and his Things to Come (1958) is characterized by a comprehensive review of almost every view on the biblical prophetic subject matter that has any form of prominence.
Pentecost takes a Premillennial and Pretribulational view of the unfulfilled prophetic passages of the apocalyptic biblical literature.
Rapture Ready's stated purposes include warning those non-Christians who, according to the Pre-tribulation system of Evangelical Christian eschatology, will be left behind after the rapture to repent of their sins and turn to God.
Harry A. Ironside — a dispensationalist who was a critic of ultra-dispensationalism.