The Disputed status of Olivenza refers to a dispute between Portugal and Spain over the territory on the border of those two states known as Olivenza (Olivença in Portuguese).
Olivenza had been under continuous Portuguese sovereignty since 1297 when it was occupied by the Spanish in 1801 and formally ceded by Portugal later that year by the Treaty of Badajoz.
Status Quo (band) | Status Quo | Chase & Status | Olivenza | Combatant Status Review Tribunal | NatureServe conservation status | Copyright status of work by the U.S. government | Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada | U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement | TN status | status quo | Social status | Political status of Taiwan | Disputed status of Gibraltar | Court of Disputed Returns (Australia) | Court of Disputed Returns | Borough status in the United Kingdom | Status quo (Israel) | status quo ante bellum | Status quo | Status of forces agreement | political status of Taiwan | Llanos de Olivenza | Guamanian status referendum, September 1982 | Guamanian status referendum, January 1982 | Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians | Expanded Disability Status Scale | Clarification concerning status of Catholics becoming Freemasons | Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women | Achieved status |