
unusual facts about Docker

Docker, Cumbria

Diana Whalley 2006 'A Dictionary of Lake District Place-Names', English Place Name Society, has this name as either place-name 'the shieling at the hollow' or 'the shieling where the plant called dock grows', or a personal name which "may have been a link with the family traced in Parker 1918" (Parker CA 'A pedigree of the family of Docker'. CW2 18, 161-73).

Derrick Morris

Morris, a docker from Swansea, had suffered a heart attack in 1975, and received his new heart in an operation carried out by Magdi Yacoub at Harefield Hospital in 1980.

Dudley Docker

Docker was a substantial benefactor (£10,000) toward Ernest Shackleton's Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition in 1914–1916.

King Valley

There are a number of small towns within the region including Cheshunt, Whitfield, King Valley, Edi, Claremont, Moyhu, Byrne, Docker and Oxley.

Moira Anderson

Her musical directors over the years have included Peter Knight, Peter Hope, Robert Docker, Robin Stapleton, Peggy O'Keefe and Nick Ingman.

see also