Doctor of Philosophy | philosophy | Philosophy | doctorate | Doctorate | Jewish philosophy | Indian philosophy | Chinese philosophy | Islamic philosophy | University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy | Philosophy of mathematics | philosophy of mathematics | Objectivity (philosophy) | Buddhist philosophy | Analytic philosophy | analytic philosophy | Ubuntu (philosophy) | The Journal of Philosophy | school of philosophy | Philosophy of mind | Natural philosophy | natural philosophy | Medieval philosophy | Marxist philosophy | history and philosophy of science | Hindu philosophy | Unix philosophy | Three Books of Occult Philosophy | Royal Institute of Philosophy | Power (philosophy) |
Satinder Sartaj concentrated on his sufiana musical career having done his M. Phil in Sufi music singing and later a Ph.D in Sufi singing (gayan) from Panjab University, Chandigarh.
Doctorate of Philosophy in Anatomy and Embryology, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1996 Thesis Title: “The Effect of Irradiation On The Development Of The Cerebellar Cortex Of Guinea Pig”.