
5 unusual facts about Dojran

Baba Mountain, Macedonia

It is one of the leading tourist areas in the country, since it is a well-known ski resort, along with Ohrid, Prespa, Dojran, Popova Šapka, and Kruševo.


Dojran, primarily Star Dojran, was first settled in pre-historic times, and the first written record of the city was in the 5th century in which the Greek historian Herodotus, wrote about the Paeonians, ancient Thraco-Illyrian people, who started and expanded the city.

Dojran Municipality

Nov Dojran is the village where the municipal seat is found.

Hristofor Zhefarovich

In his testament, he explicitly noted that his relatives were "of Bulgarian nationality" ("булгарской нации", bulgarskoy natsii) and from Dojran.

Born at the end of the 17th century, Zhefarovich descended from a priestly family from Dojran in Ottoman Empire, (present-day Republic of Macedonia) and became a monk himself.


Dojran |

Nikola Stoyanov

Following the end of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877–78 and the subsequent Treaty of Berlin, Dojran remained outside the newly established Principality of Bulgaria.

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