His descendants were received among the lower-class nobility (aznauri) of Georgia, and enfeoffed of Sanahin, where the family’s dynastic abbey was located.
The founder of the family, Arghut, established himself in Lori, northern Armenia, then under Georgian control, at the end of the 15th century.
Dolgorukov | Vasily Dolgorukov | Pyotr Dolgorukov | Dimitri Ivanovich Dolgorukov | Catherine Dolgorukov |
During that time the history stretches back to 1847 when the Russian ambassador to Persia, Prince Dimitri Ivanovich Dolgorukov, requested that the Báb, the herald to the Bahá'í Faith who was imprisoned at Maku, be moved elsewhere; he also condemned the massacres of Iranian religionists, and asked for the release of Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith.
During that time, the history stretches back to 1847 when the Russian ambassador to Tehran, Prince Dimitri Ivanovich Dolgorukov, requested that the Báb, the herald to the Bahá'í Faith who was imprisoned at Maku, be moved elsewhere; he also condemned the massacres of Iranian religionists, and asked for the release of Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith.
During that time, when the region was variously called Asiatic Russia or Russian Turkestan as part of the Russian Empire, the history stretches back to 1847 when the Russian ambassador to Tehran, Prince Dimitri Ivanovich Dolgorukov, requested that the Báb, the herald to the Bahá'í Faith who was imprisoned at Maku, be moved elsewhere; he also condemned the massacres of Iranian religionists, and asked for the release of Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith.
Sergei Witte wrote that his grandfather, P.V. Dolgorukov, during his daughter’s marriage had blessed his daughter and new son-in-law with an ancient cross which, according to family legend, belonged to the Grand Prince of Kiev, St. Michael of Chernigov.
Throughout 18th century, it acquired noble residents like Golitsyn, Dolgorukov and Volkonsky families.
In one edition of the faked memories, Dolgorukov is said to have provided money for Bahá'u'lláh to build a house in Acre, but Dolgorukov died in 1867, before Bahá'u'lláh arrived in Acre.
52 - Dolgorukov estate; the basis of the "Rostov Estate" in Tolstoy's War and Peace
Maria was a direct descendant of several Russian noble families, including Dolgorukov, Naryshkin, and Shuvalov.