"The Guard" was produced by Domino, Timo Ellis (Cibo Matto and The Netherlands) Jorge Elbrecht (Lansing-Dreiden and Violens) and was recorded in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Domino's Pizza | Fats Domino | Domino | Simon Kirke | Kirke Mechem | Henry Kirke White | Domino (film) | Anna Domino | Domino Day | IBM Lotus Domino | Domino mask | Domino Harvey | Domino (comics) | David Kirke | Sara Kirke | Percy Kirke | Kirke | Jemima Kirke | Henry Kirke Porter | Henry Kirke Bush-Brown | Headquarters of Domino's Pizza | Hazel Kirke | Goin' Home: A Tribute to Fats Domino | George Kirke Spoor | Domino's Pizza Hillcrest | Domino’s Pizza | Domino's | Domino Recording Company | Domino Rally | Domino (magazine) |
Her store's name is a combination of the names of three of her daughters, Jemima Kirke, Lola and Domino Kirke, who is also a well known singer.