
4 unusual facts about Domtar

Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania

The major industry in Johnsonburg is paper, with the largest mill owned by the Domtar Corporation.

In 1990, Penntech sold the mill to Willamette Industries, the company that would later be acquired by Weyerhaeuser in February 2002 in a hostile takeover and then in 2007 was acquired by Domtar.

Millwood Lake

In Ashdown, Arkansas, the lake supplies their Domtar's (formerly Georgia Pacific) Communications Paper Division with 50 million gallons of water each day for its operations.

Sultan Industrial Road

Originally built as a resource route for E. B. Eddy's logging and lumber operations in the northwestern Sudbury District, the road is now owned and operated by Domtar following its acquisition of E. B. Eddy in 1998.


Domtar |

John A. McDougald

He was largely responsible for making it one of Canada's dominant business conglomerates that had controlling interest in Dominion Stores, Hollinger Mines, Massey Ferguson, Standard Broadcasting, Crown Trust Company and Domtar.

Maxwell Meighen

As an Argus director he was also a member of the boards of some of the largest Canadian companies, including Domtar, Massey-Ferguson, Dominion Stores and Hollinger Mines.

Pierre Desjardins

He also served as an executive with Canadian companies such as Domtar, Labatt Brewing Company, and Imperial Tobacco.

see also