Donald Trump | Donald Duck | Donald Rumsfeld | Donald Knuth | Donald Sutherland | Donald Judd | Donald Honig | Donald Bradman | Donald Pleasence | Donald Byrd | Donald Tsang | William Donald Schaefer | Donald Winnicott | Donald Fagen | Donald Tusk | Donald O'Connor | Donald Brashear | Donald | Donald Ross | Donald Kennedy | Donald E. Westlake | Donald Braswell II | Donald Baechler | Donald Smith, 1st Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal | Donald Ogden Stewart | Donald M. Fraser | Donald Glover | Donald Glaude | Donald Fisher | Donald Faison |
The bubble chamber was invented by Donald A. Glaser of the United States in 1952, and for this, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1960.
Donald A. Coggan, American engineer and consultant in the field of value engineering
Coleman is the founder, chairman and CEO of GlobalHue, the largest multicultural advertising agency in the United States, working with blue chip brands and organizations to communicate with African-American, Asian and Hispanic consumers.
He combined the companies into GlobalHue, specializing in a culture based approach to marketing.
2008- Chet Raymo - When God Is Gone, Everything Is Holy: Making of a Religious Naturalist, Sorin Books (September 2008), ISBN 1-933495-13-8
He worked for the Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company, Elias & Brothers, and L.W.F. Engineering before moving to Santa Monica, California in 1924 to work for Douglas Aircraft.
He attended the Manual Training High School in Brooklyn, and graduated from the Pratt Institute with a certificate in mechanical engineering in 1917.
He returned to Douglas Aircraft, and began working part time for Ryan Airlines in San Diego.
Lindbergh later stated in his Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Spirit of St. Louis, that the decision to go with Ryan Airlines would depend primarily on his estimate of the chief engineer, Donald Hall.
Hall left Ryan Airlines in 1929 after the company became Mahoney-Ryan Airlines and later relocated to St. Louis.
His illustrations appeared in Time, LIFE, The New Times, Newsweek, National Geographic, and other publications.
Among Martin's most notable work are the proofs of analytic determinacy (from the existence of a measurable cardinal), Borel determinacy (from ZFC alone), the proof (with John R. Steel) of projective determinacy (from suitable large cardinal axioms), and his work on Martin's axiom.
Donald Aubrey Quarles (July 30, 1894 - May 8, 1959) was a communications engineer, senior level executive with Bell Telephone Laboratories and Western Electric, and a top official in the United States Department of Defense during the Eisenhower Administration.
During the raid on Swan's apartment in Queens, New York, the police found Nazi memorabilia, weapons and ammunition.
Graduated from Cleveland Heights High School, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, in 1973; received a bachelor of science degree in Physics from Case Western Reserve University in 1977, and a master of science degree and a doctorate in Materials Science from Cornell University in 1980 and 1982, respectively.
Initially assigned to the ISS Expedition 6 crew, his flight assignment withdrawal resulted from a medical issue affecting long duration space flight qualifications.
While an undergraduate, he became a regular contributor to Mankind Quarterly and collaborated with Donald A. Swan and A. James Gregor.
In 1965 he became the founding chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of California at San Diego and the founding Director of the Center for Human Information Processing (CHIP) the home of scientists such as Geoffrey Hinton, Donald A. Norman and David E. Rumelhart.
Francis Donald Nixon (November 23, 1914 – June 27, 1987), married to Clara Jane Lemke and had three children, including Donald A. Nixon
Mimic 2 is a 2001 science fiction horror film, directed by Jean de Segonzac, with a script inspired by a short story of the same name by Donald A. Wollheim.
On May 29, 1899, Strathcona was incorporated as a town named after Lord Strathcona, Donald A. Smith.
Trixolan was linked in headlines to American fugitive Robert Lee Vesco and to Donald A. Nixon, President Richard Nixon's nephew.
Donald A. Yerxa, author co-director of The Historical Society (THS) at Boston University (BU)