
3 unusual facts about Donald Regan

Donald Regan

Michael Moore gives brief focus to this incident in his documentary, Capitalism: A Love Story, who then proceeds to insinuate that Reagan was merely chosen a frontman (or "sheriff") for the real power behind the throne, among them Regan, who at the time was the Chairman of Merrill Lynch and whom Reagan appointed as Treasury Secretary and then Chief of Staff.

As Chief of Staff, Regan was closely involved in the day to day management of White House policy, which led Howard Baker, Regan's successor as Chief of Staff, to give a rebuke that Regan was becoming a "Prime Minister" inside an increasingly complex Imperial Presidency.

Robert Schwarz Strauss

Many of the president's supporters believed that the aggressive management style of his Chief of Staff Donald Regan was making matters worse, but the President remained loyal to Regan and would not consider replacing him.

Herbert Abrams

Other portraits by Abrams are displayed at the Capitol (former Sen. Howard H. Baker ), the Treasury Department (former Treasury Secretary Donald T. Regan), the National Portrait Gallery (Miller) in Washington, D.C., and the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (Westmoreland and Aldrin).

see also


Kingsmill on the James planned community (Notable and/or notorious residents have included Curtis Strange, Sam Wallace, Donald Regan, Marv Levy, and John W. Hinckley, Jr.)