Oak | oak | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | Oak Ridge, Tennessee | Selly Oak | Oak Park, Illinois | oak leaf cluster | Oak Leaf Cluster | Oak Ridge | Oak Hill Academy | Oak Cliff | Royal Oak | Oak Park | White Oak, Maryland | White Oak | white oak | red oak | poison oak | Oak Tree | Oak Hill | Oak Grove | Red Oak | Oak Hill Theological College | Oak Hill Country Club | Oak Hill Capital Partners | Oak Hill Academy (Mouth of Wilson, Virginia) | Oak Harbor, Ohio | Oak Grove, Oregon | Oak Creek | Oak Ridge Cemetery |
The source for the latter designation comes from the 1602 Historia S. Bonifacii by Johannes Letzner, who claims that after Boniface destroyed the Donar Oak near Geismar (now in Fritzlar, Hesse) he traveled to the Stuffenberg in Eichsfeld, where the god Stuffo was worshiped by the local population.