Doosan Babcock achieved eight million man-hours without a lost time incident (LTI) at INEOS Grangemouth in Scotland and 10 million man-hours without an LTI on an emissions-reduction project at Castle Peak Power Station in Hong Kong.
The three 277 MWe V94.3A (now called SGT5-4000F) Siemens gas turbines provide a CCGT-type system of power generation, with three Doosan Babcock heat recovery steam generators providing steam to one (older) steam turbine.
Babcock & Brown | E. B. Babcock | Doosan Bears | Babcock & Wilcox | Maltbie Davenport Babcock | Joseph W. Babcock | Charles Babcock | Mike Babcock | William Babcock Hazen | Tim M. Babcock | Philip Babcock Gove | Lewis T. Babcock | Joseph Park Babcock | John Babcock | Horace W. Babcock | Doosan Group | Doosan Babcock | Christine Babcock | Barbara Babcock | Babcock |