
3 unusual facts about Dorothee Metlitzki

Dorothee Metlitzki

Dorothee Metlitzki (or Devora Metlitsky) (Königsberg, (East Prussia, July 27, 1914 - Berkeley, California, April 14, 2001) was a German born, later American, author and professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley and, for most of her career, at Yale University.

She published several academic books dealing with her interests including Celestial Origin of Elpheta and Algarsyf in Chaucer's "Squire's Tale," Melville's "Orienda" and The Matter of Araby in Medieval England.

The Matter of Araby in Medieval England

The Matter of Araby in Medieval England is a 1977 book by Dorothee Metlitzki in which the author attempts to show the beginnings of the relationship between medieval England and the Arab world.

see also