The Dorothy & Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars & Writers.
Both Cullman and Freedman were raising funds for the World Federation for Mental Health when they met.
Dorothy L. Sayers | Dorothy Parker | Dorothy Gale | Dorothy | Dorothy Loudon | Dorothy Lamour | Dorothy Dandridge | Dorothy Thompson | Dorothy Day | Dorothy Hamill | Dorothy Stratten | Dorothy McGuire | Dorothy Malone | Dorothy Kirsten | Dorothy Fields | Dorothy Chandler Pavilion | Dorothy Wordsworth | Dorothy Perkins | Dorothy Hewett | Dorothy Gish | Dorothy Dunnett | Dorothy de Rothschild | Dorothy Woolfolk | Dorothy Stang | Dorothy Sarnoff | Dorothy Revier | Dorothy Norwood | Dorothy Mueller | Dorothy Kamenshek | Dorothy Hale |
It is named for Lewis B. Cullman and Dorothy Cullman, philanthropists and supporters of the New York Botanical Garden.