They manage to thwart the crime and rescue a young divorcée named Susan MacLane (Patricia Harty), who works at the bank and is a mother of three: Julie (Claudia Wells), Robbie (Douglas Emerson), and Matthew (Nicky Katt).
Douglas MacArthur | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Douglas | Douglas DC-3 | Douglas Adams | Michael Douglas | Emerson, Lake & Palmer | Emerson | Douglas Fairbanks | Douglas Bader | McDonnell Douglas | Kirk Douglas | William O. Douglas | Keith Emerson | Alec Douglas-Home | Douglas C-47 Skytrain | Lord Alfred Douglas | Douglas Mawson | Douglas Aircraft Company | Douglas Niles | Douglas, Isle of Man | Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig | Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. | Douglas DC-6 | Douglas Hofstadter | Paul Douglas | Douglas Hurd | Douglas County | Mike Douglas | Jerry Douglas |