McComas had been in office only a year when the state learned that its projected revenues had been vastly overestimated, and Gov. L. Douglas Wilder ordered severe funding cuts to higher education to balance the budget.
The Richmond Ballet, named the State Ballet of Virginia in 1990 by then Governor Douglas Wilder, is a nationally recognized education and performance institution, founded in 1957.
Douglas MacArthur | Douglas | Douglas DC-3 | Douglas Adams | Thornton Wilder | Michael Douglas | Billy Wilder | Douglas Fairbanks | Douglas Bader | McDonnell Douglas | Laura Ingalls Wilder | Kirk Douglas | William O. Douglas | Alec Douglas-Home | Douglas C-47 Skytrain | Lord Alfred Douglas | Douglas Mawson | Douglas Aircraft Company | Douglas Niles | Douglas, Isle of Man | Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig | Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. | Douglas DC-6 | Douglas Hofstadter | Paul Douglas | Douglas Hurd | Douglas County | Mike Douglas | Jerry Douglas | Douglas fir |
Dignitaries at the installation ceremony included Douglas Wilder, former Mayor and Lt. Governor Tim Kaine, Mayor Rudy McCollum, and former governor Gerald L. Baliles.