
unusual facts about Douro, Faina Fluvial

Arrábida Bridge

It is the most downstream bridge across the Douro River, just a few kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean.


During the French invasion of the peninsula Avintes was likely a sideshow; the parish did not have part in the great battles, although the Duke of Wellington may have chased Marshall Soult's forces, crossing the Douro in the immediate location, since crossing at Porto would have been difficult.

Counties of Victoria

Earlier maps of Gippsland area in the eastern part of the state show proposed counties of Douro (a title of the Duke of Wellington), Bass, Haddington, Bruce, Abinger, Combermere and Howe with approximate boundaries.


In France, CroisiEurope sail on the Seine, the Rhône, the Saône, the Gironde, the Meuse, and the Rhine; in Italy, on the Po; in Spain, on the Guadalquivir; in Portugal, on the Guadiana and the Douro; in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, on the Rhine; in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, and Romania, on the Danube; and in Germany, on the Havel and the Oder.

Douro DOC

The person credited with creating the first ambitious Douro wine is Fernando Nicolau de Almeida, who worked as an oenologist with the Port house Ferreira.

Douro railway line

The Sabor line, which closed in 1988 and ran north-east from a junction with Douro line at Pocinho

Douro, Faina Fluvial

However other foreign critics and artists who were in attendance praised the film, such as Luigi Pirandello and Émile Vuillermoz.

Gaita transmontana

Além disso, a gaita galega, ainda que provavelmente um modelo um tanto diferente do atual, sempre foi tão popular quanto a gaita transmontana, senão mais, em especial na região litorânea do Douro, onde ela é tida como gaita minhota.

Gregory Holman Bromley Way

He commanded the light infantry of Brigadier-general R. Stewart's brigade, which led the advance of the British Army, and was present in the actions of the passage of the Vouga on 10 May and the heights of Grijon the following day, at the passage of the Douro and capture of Oporto on the 12th, and in the subsequent pursuit of Soult's army.

History of Portuguese wine

Grapes grown in other regions of Portugal and even Spain were trucked into Oporto and Vila Nova de Gaia to be misrepresented as authentic Port from the Douro.

In Brazil, the wealthy market of Rio de Janeiro was given exclusively to the Douro producers at the expense of other Portuguese wine regions.

Liberal Wars

To protect British interests, a naval squadron under Commander William Glascock in HMS Orestes was stationed in the Douro, where it came under fire from both sides.

Manuel de Sá

Manuel de Sá (b. at Vila do Conde, Province Entre-Minho-e-Douro, 1530; d. at Arona, Italy, 30 December 1596) was a Portuguese Jesuit theologian and exegete.

Quinta classification of Port vineyards in the Douro

The Quinta classification of Port vineyards in the Douro is a system that grades the terroir and quality potential of vineyards in the Douro wine region to produce grapes suitable for the production of Port wine.


The rabeca is thought to have originated in the Entre-Douro-e-Minho region of northern Portugal, especially in the areas around Amarante during the 18th century.

Rabelo Boat

Although not in use anymore, still today we can admire these graceful vessels belonging to the Port Wine Companies in the banks of the Douro river, in the cities of Porto and Gaia.

Reinald Oudinot

The objective of the work at Leixões was to provide a safer harbour than that offered by the hazardous mouth of the River Douro, in an effort to help export Port wine and other products from the Douro Valley.

Senhora da Hora

Senhora da Hora is very developed and is well connected by road, bus and Porto Metro to the nearby cities of Matosinhos, São Mamede de Infesta, Porto, Maia, Vila do Conde, the Porto Airport (OPO), and the port of Leixões all north of the Douro river.

Tua railway station

Tua Station is located in northern Portugal, close to the confluence between the Douro and the Tua River.

Willem Hesselink

His thesis on the secrets of Port wine made on the banks of the Douro has proved to stand the tests of time and is still quoted regularly.

see also