
unusual facts about Dovber Schneuri

Dovber Schneuri

The position of the Jews under the Czars was never easy, but it became much worse when Czar Alexander I was succeeded by Czar Nicholas I in 1825.


Dovber Schneuri |

Jewish meditation

Jacobs, Louis (translator), Tract on Ecstasy by Dobh Baer of Lubavitch, Vallentine Mitchell, 2006, ISBN 978-0-85303-590-9

Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev

One of Rabbi Levi Yitzchok's grandsons married the daughter of Dovber Schneuri, the Second of the Chabad Rebbe's and the first Chabad Rebbe to live in Lubavitch.

Yitzhak Aharon Korff

He is also a descendant of the Chabad chasidic dynasty through the Chabad Mitler Rebbe's daughter and son-in-law Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel of Cherkass, son of Grand Rabbi Mordechai (Magid of Chernobyl).

see also