
2 unusual facts about Downplay


Their song "Hated You From Hello" was featured for Game Changer of the Year in the 2011 WWE Slammy's.

Paul Trust

Paul Trust is an American record producer and songwriter who has worked with bands such as Diecast, Endo, Jesse Strange, Al's Not Well, Atom Smash, Crease, Downplay Lansdowne and The Cleopatra Complex.


Downplay |

Emmanuel Nadingar

He sought to downplay the seriousness of the incident, saying that the soldiers had not wanted to remove President Idriss Déby from power but were merely dissatisfied over the suspension of their pay.

Franklin C. Spinney

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) asked to interview its author, but was met with opposition from the Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger, and David S.C. Chu, Spinney’s immediate superior, who tried to downplay the report saying it was neither factual nor represented the current budget and programs.

LGBT parenting

In a 2001 review of 21 studies, Judith Stacey and Timothy Biblarz found that researchers frequently downplay findings indicating difference regarding children's gender, sexual preferences and behavior, suggesting that an environment of heterosexism has hampered scientific inquiry in the area.

Texas Education Agency

For example, the proposed curriculum would downplay Thomas Jefferson's emphasis on the separation of church and state (outlined in his Letter to Danbury Baptists), and would include a greater emphasis on the importance of religion to the founding fathers.

see also