
4 unusual facts about Dublin City University

Dromantine House

In partnership of the Mater Dei Institute of Education(DCU) in Dublin, the Society of African Missions at Dromantine and Methodist Edgehill Theological College in Belfast ran a three year Exploring Theology Certificate course accredited by Dublin City University, in Dromantine.

Education in the Republic of Ireland

The two universities that do not offer "open" (omnibus entry) arts degrees, (Trinity College, Dublin and Dublin City University) do still offer Bachelor of Arts degrees in specific areas of study such as Drama Studies, Journalism, Latin, History, Japanese and International Relations.

Some institutions such as the University of Limerick and Dublin City University (DCU) have completed a process of modularising their courses (others are still in a transition phase), mostly using the ECTS.

Dublin City University's de facto omnibus entry arts degree is offered by St. Patrick's College of Education (a college of DCU) and is titled "BA in Humanities", All Hallows College (a college of DCU) offer BA in Humanities, Theology Pastoral Care, and English.

Ferdinand von Prondzynski

A German-born Irish citizen, he is a former lecturer and Fellow at Trinity College, Dublin, and was later both a Professor and a Dean at the University of Hull, before serving as the high profile second President of Dublin City University (DCU), Dublin, Ireland from 2000 to 2010.

James O'Higgins Norman

Dr. James O'Higgins Norman MStJ, GCEG KLJ, CIOM, FRSA is an Irish sociologist, author and academic based at Dublin City University.

see also

Mater Dei Institute of Education

In 2008 the relationship linking Dublin City University with All Hallows, St. Patrick's College of Education, Drumcondra and Mater Dei Institute of Education was revised.