
unusual facts about Duero

Al-Walid I

Valladolid is an industrial city and it is a municipality in north-central Spain, upon the Rio Pisuerga and within the Ribera del Duero region.

Fernán González of Castile

Fernán González (died 970) was the first autonomous count of Castile, son of Gonzalo Fernández de Burgos, who had been named count of Arlanza and the Duero around the year 900, and by tradition a descendant of semi-legendary judge Nuño Rasura.

Gonzalo Fernández of Castile

In 912, he took the main role in the Castilian offensive to the river Duero, settling the old villages of Haza, Clunia and San Esteban de Gormaz.

Province of León

León retained the status of a kingdom until 1833, being composed by Adelantamientos Mayores, where Leonese Adelantamiento consisted of the territories between the Picos de Europa and the Duero river.

Ribera del Duero

Wine has been produced in the region for thousands of years, but viticulture as we know it probably arrived in the Ribera del Duero region with Benedictine monks from Cluny in the Burgundy region of France in the twelfth century.

San Esteban de Gormaz

The village lies between the bank of River Duero and a small hill, 70 km east of the capital of the province (Soria), 28 km from Tiermes and 45 km from Aranda de Duero.

Vega Sicilia

The word Vega refers to the green vegetation that grows along the riverbank of the Duero while Sicilia refers to Saint Cecilia, the patron saints of musicians, after whom several villages in Castile and León is named after.

see also