
unusual facts about Duke of Milan

Agnese del Maino

Agnese del Maino (c. 1401 – 13 December 1465) was a Milanese noblewoman and the mistress of Filippo Maria Visconti, the last legitimate Duke of Milan of the Visconti dynasty.

Battle of Delebio

On 18 November 1432 the army of Filippo Maria Visconti, duke of Milan, with more than 400 horse and an unspecified infantry under the condottiero Niccolò Piccinino, marched alongside the Lake Como to defy the Venetians.

Luigi dal Verme

After fighting in the war between the Republic of Florence and Filippo Maria Visconti, Duke of Milan, the latter give him the title of count and several fiefs.

Musso, Lombardy

He was finally defeated by the combined forces of the Duke of Milan Francesco II Sforza, the Swiss Confederacy and the Grisons.

Wars in Lombardy

The first of four campaigns against the territorial ambitions of Filippo Maria Visconti, duke of Milan, was connected to the death of the lord of Forlì, Giorgio Ordelaffi.

see also

Buonaccorso Pitti

In 1401, while serving as the Florentine ambassador to Bavaria, he, his brothers, and their descendents were ennobled by Rupert, King of Germany, after having saved his life by thwarting a poisoning attempt by the Duke of Milan.

Donation of Constantine

The Florentine chronicler Giovanni Cavalcanti reported that, in the very year of Valla's treatise, Filippo Maria Visconti, Duke of Milan, made diplomatic overtures toward Cosimo de' Medici in Florence, proposing an alliance against the Pope.

Ludovico III Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua

However, Francesco Sforza, the new duke of Milan, enticed him with the promise of Lonato, Peschiera and Asola, formerly Mantuan territories but then part of Venice.

Two Towers

Its addition is attributed to Giovanni Visconti, Duke of Milan, who allegedly wanted to use it to control the turbulent Mercato di Mezzo (today via Rizzoli) and suppress possible revolts.


Overshadowed by the power of the nearby Alessandria, it attracted the attentions of Galeazzo I Visconti, duke of Milan, but his plot to capture the city failed.