# "Brother 52" - directed by Steve Flack 1997, produced by Jane Rigby and Jim Leishman, with the co-operation of the students of Dundee University's Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design
Museum of Modern Art | college football | Art Deco | Eton College | Metropolitan Museum of Art | University College London | Dartmouth College | King's College London | Harvard College | Trinity College | Art Institute of Chicago | San Francisco Museum of Modern Art | National Gallery of Art | Honolulu Museum of Art | college | Oberlin College | Boston College | University College Dublin | Whitney Museum of American Art | Williams College | Vassar College | Los Angeles County Museum of Art | college basketball | Winchester College | Imperial College London | Collège de France | Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design | Middlebury College | Berklee College of Music | Art Nouveau |
Since 1998, the city council has developed a "Cultural Quarter" at the boundary between the city centre and the West End which is now home to the Dundee Repertory Theatre, the Whitehall Theatre, the Sensation Science Centre and Dundee Contemporary Arts building as well as other commercial galleries and studios, and the university's Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design.