
2 unusual facts about Dunne D.8

Canadian Aviation Corps

1 Burgess-Dunne two-seater tailless swept-wing pusher floatplane built by Blair-Atholl Syndicate Limited of England

A Burgess-Dunne floatplane was purchased in the United States, shipped to Vermont and then flown to Valcartier, Quebec where it was taken apart, crated, and shipped to England.

Dunne D.1

To maintain security for the flight trials, the Dunne D.1 was taken to Blair Atholl in Scotland by a team of Royal Engineers in July 1907.

Designed by Lieutenant J.W. Dunne, who was working with Samuel Franklin Cody on man-lifting kites at the Army Balloon Factory, the Dunne D.1 was a biplane glider whose design embodied Dunne's ideas about achieving inherent stability in an aircraft, which he had developed during two years of experimentation with models.

see also