In 15 years of creative activity they have made moore than 20 recordings, held concerts almost in every part of the world, and cooperated with many famous musicians: among them Boris Grebenshikov, Sergey Kuryokhin, Andrei Samsonov, and Djivan Gasparyan.
Boris Grebenshikov (mantra), Djivan Gasparyan (duduk) and the world-known percussion player and Grammy-award-winner Evelyn Glennie (who worked with Björk) participated in the recording of Premonitions of the Shooting Star - one of recent joint creations of duo Zikr and sound producer Andrei Samsonov.
duo | Safri Duo | The Dynamic Duo | Duo LNB | Secret Garden (duo) | Jimmy & Wes: The Dynamic Duo | Antique (duo) | Duo Duo | Benevento/Russo Duo | PowerBook Duo | Nervo (duo) | Grammy Award for Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals | Free Beer (comedic musical duo) | Fame (duo) | duo (music) | Duo Crommelynck | Duo-Art | D'Unbelievables duo, Pat Shortt | Appleton (music duo) |