
unusual facts about Durga Charan Mohanty

Durga Charan Mohanty

At that time he was only seventeen years old and a student of class IX in Puri district School.

Nilachala Saraswata Sangha

Banamali Dash, Durga Charan Mohanty along with devotees, who were coming on the quest of truth and knowledge to Nilachala Kutir, sought permission from Swami Nigamananda to celebrate His birth day at Nilachala Kutir (Puri) on 24 August 1934, Full Moon day(Shraban Purnima).

Durga Charan Mohanty noted all discussion, advices of Swami Nigamananda and various everyday happening at Nilachala Kutir and later published it in books called “Nilachala Vani"( नीलाचल वाणी) and "Nigama Upadesha”(निगम उपदेश).

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