
unusual facts about Durward's Glen

The College of Saint Mary Magdalen

From 2007 to 2011, the college owned the Durward's Glen retreat house in Baraboo, Wisconsin, formerly a novitiate for the Order of St. Camillus, and operated it as a site for retreats, religious events, and educational programs.

Durward Kirby

The eponymous title track on the album Scraps by the band NRBQ includes the line: "I know a Melarooney boy named Durward Kirby; I yelled in his ear and wondered if he heard me."


Unlike many other hereditary royal office holders, the "Durward" family were not of Anglo-Norman or French origin, but of native Gaelic origin, being a sept of the native comital dynasty of Mar.


A few miles north of Lochgoilhead, is a junction which on the left goes through Hell's Glen, Loch Fyne, Dunoon, Inverary, Lochawe, Oban, Tyndrum, Glencoe and Fort William.

see also