
unusual facts about Dutchmen


Berlin Dutchmen

The Dutchmen were the last self-contained club to represent Canada in the Olympic hockey tournament; the Canada men's national ice hockey team was established in 1963.

Dick de Hoog

By 1905 he was station chief in Jombang, where his career halted due to the fact that the highest job positions in the Dutch East Indies were restricted to people educated in the Netherlands and were usually occupied by expatriate Dutchmen.

Early glassmaking in America

The Dutchmen went to Werowocomoco (an Indian village on the York River fifteen miles from Jamestown) in order to build a house for the Indian chief, and plotted to kill Captain John Smith and steal powders and arms from the settlers.

Football in Paraguay

This account has much primary source documentation (newspaper articles) As this version goes, football was first introduced in Paraguay by Dutchman William Paats, who moved from the Netherlands to Asunción (the capital of Paraguay) in 1888.

Hans van Helden

One of his most memorable feats was finishing 4th on the 1,500 m during the 1984 Winter Olympics in Sarajevo, aged 35, and well ahead of his former compatriots, Dutchmen Hilbert van der Duim, Frits Schalij, and Hein Vergeer.

Hendrick Hamel

When the novelty of their capture was still fresh, the Dutchmen had been brought to the royal palace in Seoul, as a kind of novelty item for the king.

Jack Names the Planets

During the spoken section at the beginning of the song, two Dutchmen, Oscar "Wilde" Vermeer and Patrick "The Brewer" Schrama (who met Tim Wheeler during a holiday in France), suggest that the song should have been called "Jack Names The Planet Nieuw-Vennep", given that, in their opinion, "Nieuw-Vennep" is a good name for a planet.

Katoen Natie

In addition, the Katoen Natie headquarters houses an extensive Cobra collection with works by the Belgian artists Pierre Alechinsky and Christian Dotremont, the Dutchmen Karel Appel, Corneille, Rooskens and Lucebert and the Danish artists Asger Jorn, Carl-Henning Pedersen and Egill Jacobsen.

Måns Nilsson Kling

The first settlers, (Swedes, Finns, and some Dutchmen) reached the location now known as Swedes' Landing in Wilmington, Delaware on March 29, 1638.

Max Kohnstamm

During World War II, Kohnstamm and Kessler were both held hostage by the Germans along with other prominent Dutchmen at camp Beekvliet in Sint-Michielsgestel; they became quite close there despite the difference in age.

Operation Silbertanne

The first killings took place in autumn 1943 in Meppel and Staphorst, and within a year more than 54 Dutchmen had been murdered or severely wounded.

Religion in Sweden

During the era following the Reformation, usually known as the period of Lutheran Orthodoxy, small groups of non-Lutherans, especially Calvinist Dutchmen, the Moravian Church and Walloons or French Huguenots from Belgium, played a significant role in trade and industry, and were quietly tolerated as long as they kept a low religious profile.

Six Fat Dutchmen

Singer and saxophone player Dick Dale was briefly a member of the Six Fat Dutchmen, before he became a regular on the long-running American television variety series, The Lawrence Welk Show.

The 1995 compilation CD "The Six Fat Dutchmen's Greatest Hits" earned a 3.5 star rating (out of 5) in Allmusic.

see also