The dwarf wrasse, Doratonotus megalepis, is a species of wrasse native to tropical waters of the western Atlantic Ocean from Florida, USA, to Brazil and in the eastern Atlantic from around Ile Las Rolas, São Tomé.
Red Dwarf | wrasse | Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers | brown dwarf | Wrasse | Cat (Red Dwarf) | African Dwarf Kingfisher | Red Dwarf: Back to Earth | red dwarf | Holly (Red Dwarf) | Ceres (dwarf planet) | Ursa Major II Dwarf | Ursa Major I Dwarf | Red Dwarf (TV series) | Red Dwarf (series 10) | Red Dwarf (book) | Red dwarf | Dwarf inanga | Dwarf gourami | Dwarf Fortress | Dwarf crocodile | Don't Crush That Dwarf Hand Me the Pliers | Camille (Red Dwarf) | Backwards (Red Dwarf episode) |