Following the new qualification of missionary appointments, the Rev. Dwight McKissic gave a sermon during a chapel service to students attending Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and announced that he speaks in tongues and uses a private prayer language and emphasized not taking a cessationist view of the charismatic gifts.
However, shortly after his election as president of the Convention, Rev. Frank Page expanded on his "big tent" view of Southern Baptists by saying,
He is the founder and current senior pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas.
Dwight D. Eisenhower | Dwight Yoakam | Dwight L. Moody | James Dwight Dana | Dwight Twilley | Dwight Gooden | William Dwight Whitney | Dwight Schrute | Dwight Waldo | Dwight, Illinois | J. Dwight Pentecost | Dwight Schultz | Dwight F. Davis | Dwight Chapin | Dwight Ball | Timothy Dwight IV | Roy Dwight | Dwight Stones | Dwight H. Little | Dwight D. Opperman | David Dwight Baldwin | William Dwight | Theodore Dwight Weld | T. A. Dwight Jones | Sereno Edwards Dwight | Henry W. Dwight | Henry Dwight Barrows | Greeting
The King's car with Dwight D. Eisenhower | Dwight York | Dwight Willard Taylor |