
2 unusual facts about Dysfunctional family

Dysfunctional family

Either being a miser ("scrooge") in totality or selectively allowing children's needs to go unmet (e.g. father will not buy a bicycle for his son because he wants to save money for retirement or "something important")

"Helicopter parenting" (parents who micro-manage their children's lives and/or relationships among siblings—especially minor conflicts)

Nobel Son

Nobel Son is a 2007 American black comedy about a dysfunctional family dealing with the kidnapping of their son for ransom following the father's winning of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Shot in the Heart

Shot in the Heart is a memoir written by Mikal Gilmore, then a senior contributing editor at Rolling Stone, about his tumultuous childhood in a dysfunctional family, and his brother Gary Gilmore's eventual execution by firing squad in 1977 for a convenience store murder he committed in Provo, Utah.

see also

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

1600 Penn, an NBC sitcom that aired from December 2012 to March 2013 about the dysfunctional family of a fictional US president.

Jan Pearson

From her first appearance Jan, as Karen, was a big hit with the viewers, along with her very dysfunctional family; Rob Hollins (Chris Walker), Imogen Hollins (Charlie Clemmow) & Jack Hollins (Nicolas Woodman).

Los Beverly de Peralvillo

The sitcom could be assumed to be the forerunner of "comedic dysfunctional family" sitcoms of Mexico such as La familia P. Luche and Una familia de diez.