
unusual facts about Dziady


1968 Polish political crisis

At the end of January 1968, on behalf of the communist government, Zenon Kliszko banned the performance of a play by Adam Mickiewicz, (Dziady, written in 1824), directed by Kazimierz Dejmek at the Polish Theatre in Warsaw, on the grounds that it contained Russophobic and "anti-socialist" references.

Christ of Europe

One of them, Adam Mickiewicz, the foremost 19th century Polish romanticism poet wrote the patriotic drama Dziady (directed against the Russians) where he depicts Poland as the Christ of Nations.

Kaliber 44

The number 44 is a reference to a prophetic poem Dziady written by Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz.


Adam Mickiewicz, one of the Three Polish Bards, convicted of being a Philomath member and exiled into Russia, later described his experiences in that period in the third part of a major work, Dziady (Forefathers' Eve).

see also