The students study in accordance with the method of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
Exams that will take students while staying abroad will be recognized in accordance with the Rules of ECTS.
Some institutions such as the University of Limerick and Dublin City University (DCU) have completed a process of modularising their courses (others are still in a transition phase), mostly using the ECTS.
The programs are offered in French and English, notably in Diplomacy, Sustainable Development and Religious Studies, which are structured after the Bologna Process (including ECTS and Diploma Supplement) in order to follow both European Union and United States guidelines.
Strong cooperation within Tempus, INTAS, INCO-Copernicus, EU Joint- and Double-Degree Master programs, etc. allowed KNURE to become one of the first HEIs in Ukraine which introduced the Bologna principles and ECTS to its practices.
The Masters Course is divided in four semesters, each having a value of 30 ECTS.