An investigation of bat roosts in Bisha, the hometown of the index patient, by the Saudi Ministry of Health discovered an Egyptian tomb bat in a large roost close to the index patient's home.
He served as a Director of Pattern Insight Inc. and served as advisory board members of EMC Corporation, Inphi Corporation, Intel research labs, and Open Innovation Center of Samsung Corporation.
Advisors to Stackdriver include George Kassabgi (Co-Founder,, serial entrepreneur), Tom Roloff (Senior Vice President, EMC), Dale Christian (CIO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) and Shmuel Kliger (Founder & CTO, VMTurbo).
Stackdriver's founders secured $5 million funding from Bain in July 2012 and hired a team (including engineers from Red Hat, Acquia and EMC, as well as StyleFeeder founder Phil Jacob).
EMC Corporation | EMC | EMC Symmetrix |
Symmetrix arrays, EMC's flagship product at that time, began shipping in 1990 as a storage array connected to an IBM mainframe via the block multiplexer channel .
EMC did not have a manufacturing plant ready to build the unit, so it was assembled by Bethlehem Steel of Wilmington, Delaware.
EMC, the big multi-national company, is based near Kilumney.
Prior to becoming CEO of VMware he was President and Chief Operating Officer, EMC Information Infrastructure Products at EMC.
A petrol company sponsorship was promised but fell through, and SH1 received a 1L Cosworth MAE built by Holbay (later by EMC Motorsport), fit with two twin-choke diagonal throat sand-cast Weber carburetors for Formula 3 racing.
EMC Symmetrix VMAX Series, a data storage product line from EMC Corporation
In August 2007, EMC released 15% of the company's shares in VMware in an initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange.
SW-1 #8408 was built in 1940 by EMC of General Motors and served the B&O in freight service on the Landenberg Branch until 1982.