The optical network layer can be easily expanded to provide dedicated channels for other services at bandwidths ranging from 1 Gbit/s to 10 Gbit/s for ad hoc point to point connectivity either from one EMMAN node to another or to the outside world via the Janet Lightpath service.
Each core node has a separate connection into the Janet network and each edge node has dual connections into the core to provide a fully resilient service.
The network is managed by EMMAN Ltd under a contract with Janet who operate the Janet network.
Additional public sector organisations connected to Janet via EMMAN.
EMMAN owns and runs a high bandwidth Regional Network whose primary purpose is to deliver connectivity to the Janet network and the Internet for the higher education institutions, further education institutions, specialist colleges and other institutions across the East Midlands region.
The equipment also has the ability to structure each wavelength into separate multiple 1 Gbit/s channels for the routers that run the production IP network as well as having the capability to provide dedicated point to point links at speeds up to 10 Gbit/s either within EMMAN or for linking to the outside world via the Janet Lightpath service.
A direct commercial link to the Internet was commissioned to provide Internet access for EMMAN connected customers’ activities that are not eligible for use over the Janet network.
The East Midlands Metropolitan Area Network (EMMAN) was established in 1994, initially as a point to point link between The University of Nottingham (UoN) and The Nottingham Trent University (NTU) in order to connect NTU to the Janet network via the SMDS connection at UoN.
A separate commercial IP network is provided over the backbone to provide direct Internet connectivity for those customers not eligible to use the Janet network.
The production IP network has dual resilient connections into the Janet high speed academic network at each of the core nodes in Nottingham.
But one of the Gurukkal’s disciples (Parunthunkal Emman Panicker) arranged a Moplah mercenary (Mayin Kutty) who killed Othenan through treachery at the age of 32.