
unusual facts about ENGL

Olve Eikemo

Abbath uses an ENGL Ritchie Blackmore Signature E650 amp through either direct line in or a Marshall cabinet.


Olga Engl | ENGL | engl. |

Berthold Leibinger Stiftung

The Berthold Leibinger Zukunftspreis (engl.: future prize) honors milestones in research on the application or generation of laser light since 2006.

Emine Sevgi Özdamar

Das Leben ist eine Karawanserei hat zwei Türen aus einer kam ich rein aus der anderen ging ich raus, (novel, 1992, ISBN 3-462-02319-5)engl.

Hibiya Incendiary Incident

Shumpei Okamoto: The Emperor and the Crowd: the Historical Significance of the Hibiya Riot; In: Tetsuo Najita, J. Victor Koschmann (Hrsg.): Conflict in Modern Japanese History: The Neglected Tradition (engl.), Princeton University Press, 1982, ISBN 0-691-10137-X

Joanna Bruzdowicz

More recently, her music can be heard in her second collaboration with director Yves Angelo, Les Ames Grises (engl. The Grey Souls), the last movie starring French comedian Jacques Villeret.

Johannes Cesaris

Gothic Voices, Christopher Page, Lancaster & Valois: French & Engl Music 1350-1420, Hyperion Records CDH55294.

Josef Benedikt Engl

Josef Benedikt Engl (1867—1907), also known as J.B. Engl, was a German caricaturist and illustrator known for his work for the journal Simplicissimus.

Krawutschke Tower

The Krawutschke Tower is 400.5 m above sea level, situated on the Burgberg (Engl. castle mountain), which, during World War II, also had the Allied-given name Hill 400 due to its elevation.

Kuckuck Schallplatten

Kuckuck Schallplatten (engl.: Cuckoo Records) is a German record label founded in August 1969 by Eckart Rahn, Mal Sondock and the advertising agency ConceptData in Munich, growing out of his music publishing company

Olga Engl

The film starred Hungarian actors Vilma Bánky and Victor Varconi and was a remake of Der Rebell, also featuring Engl and released earlier the same year and also directed by Trenker.


In class 8 every student has got the choice between Ancient Greek and Naturwissenschaft und Technik (engl. Sciencly and technical education).

see also