
unusual facts about ESSEC

Brigitte Borja de Mozota

She is currently at Université Paris Ouest, Paris West University Nanterre La Défense, teaching Design Management in a Master in International Marketing and in both Audencia and ESSEC Business School, while director of research in a design school, Parsons Paris School of Art and Design.

Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles

The most famous business schools are HEC, ESSEC Business School and ESCP (these three schools are called les Parisiennes).

École de Biologie Industrielle

EBI is a founding member of the Cergy-Pontoise Val d’Oise further education and research centre, along with Cergy's other prestigious colleges (ESSEC, ENSEA, EISTI, etc.) and Cergy-Pontoise University.


In 2012, business school ESSEC also set up its Asian campus in one-north, for a total investment of S$40 million.

see also