
4 unusual facts about Earl of Dudley

British Iron Company

Brierley Hill, Dudley Wood and Netherton were all held under lease from the Dudley estate.

Coal Mining in the Black Country

A small pit like the Racecourse Colliery would usually start up in the following way: a few men would get together and rent the mineral rights from whoever owned them; in this area that was usually the Earl of Dudley.

Alternatively, the Earl of Dudley could mine the coal himself and appoint an agent or a manager to run his pit for him.


Construction had begun 1828 following the donation of land from the Earl of Dudley.

Frederick Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 3rd Marquess of Dufferin and Ava

; Viscountess Ednam, the wife of Viscount Ednam (heir to the Earl of Dudley) and a daughter of Cromartie Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, 4th Duke of Sutherland; and Mrs Loeffler, a well-known society hostess, along with the pilot, Lt. Col. George Lochart Henderson and the assistant pilot, Mr C. D. Shearing.

see also