
unusual facts about Earl of Ross

Harald Olafsson

-- The previous sentence does is not supported by the citation in the sentence --> Although Óláfr is known to have had two wives, and no contemporaneous source names Haraldr's mother, she may have been Óláfr's second wife—Christina, daughter of Ferchar, Earl of Ross.

Lord Ross

He also inherited Balnagown from David Ross of Balnagown in 1732, and thus became Chief of Clan Ross, though the Rosses of Halkhead were not descended from the ancient Earls of Ross.

see also

Euphemia of Ross

Euphemia II, Countess of Ross, daughter of Alexander Leslie, Earl of Ross and his wife Isabella Stewar

William Cleireach MacLeod

MacLeod also stated that matters were further complicated by the fact that Donald, who succeeded to the Lordshop of the Isles in 1380, claimed that Skye had been given to him in terms of his marriage to a daughter of the Earl of Ross; and in consequence he claimed that William Cleireach was his own vassal on both Harris and Skye.