
unusual facts about Earle K. Plyler

Bernhard Schrader

In 1966 Schrader worked as a post-doc at Florida State University in Tallahassee, in the research group of Earle K. Plyler, at that time one of the leading molecular spectroscopists in the USA.

Earle K. Bergey

During the 1940s, Bergey continued to paint covers for romance, sports, and detective pulp magazines, and he began working on a number of science fiction magazines, including Standard Publications' Strange Stories and Captain Future, and later for Fantastic Story Magazine.

Popular Library

The cover art became more eye-catching and vivid with the addition of illustrators Rudolph Belarski, Earle K. Bergey and Rafael DeSoto.

Thrilling Publications

Prolific artists like Earle K. Bergey and George Rozen produced hundreds of imaginative, even lurid, cover paintings that are now visually synonymous with the Thrilling pulp brand and a diverse roster of genres that include science fiction, fantasy, romance, westerns, and detective.

see also