
3 unusual facts about Pliny Earle Goddard

Alexander Francis Chamberlain

Boas's obituary for him (one of a number he had to write for younger colleagues including Pliny Earle Goddard and Edward Sapir) recalls him as a genuinely good person.

Athabaskan languages

He presents some scandalous events, such as the reason why Gladys Reichard was not particularly positive about Sapir’s work: “it was in fact common knowledge in some circles that she was shacked up, living in sin, in Greenwich Village for years with none other than P.E. Goddard” (p. 63), with whom Sapir had “strange and strained relations” (p. 64).

Tlingit language

Edward Sapir (1915) argued for its inclusion in the Na-Dené family, a claim which was subsequently debated by Franz Boas (1917), P.E. Goddard (1920), and many other prominent linguists of the time.

see also