
3 unusual facts about Eastern Gray Squirrel


On the nature trail in Landmark Forest Adventure Park, there is a special feeding area that attracts Pine Wood birds and the Red squirrel - endangered in most of the country due to competition from the introduced Grey Squirrel.

Edward Richard Alston

His principal papers in the ‘Proceedings of the Zoological Society’ (1874–80) are upon rodents, especially American squirrels (1878 and 1879).

Gray squirrel

The Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), from the eastern United States and southeastern Canada; introduced into Britain, Ireland, western North America, Italy, and South Africa

Highgate Wood

71 different species of bird have been recorded, alongside foxes, grey squirrels, at least four (Pipistrelle, Natterer's Bat, Common Noctule and the rare Leisler's Bat) and as many as seven species of bat, 180 species of moth, 12 species of butterfly and 80 species of spider.

Katy Prairie Conservancy

The Texas coastal prairie/marsh ecosystem originally supported large populations of alligators, bullfrogs, white-tailed deer, American bison, Pronghorn, American Black Bear, Eastern wild turkey, red wolf, Eastern Gray Squirrel, fox squirrel, and muskrat.

see also