
unusual facts about Eccentricity

André Berger

He became known in 1977 for his paper in Nature and later in the Journal of Atmospheric Physics (1978) delivering all the spectral components of the long term variations of eccentricity, obliquity (axial tilt) and climatic precession.

Charlie Connelly

Connelly's writing exhibits a self-deprecating humour and love of eccentricity that echoes the style of Bill Bryson.

Edward Wortley Montagu

He was the son of Edward Wortley Montagu, MP and of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, whose talent and eccentricity he seems to have inherited.

Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia

In their respective pages, the Planets are listed along with their basic properties such as the year of planet’s discovery, mass, radius, orbital period, semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, longitude of periastron, time of periastron, maximum time variation, and time of transit, including all error range values.

Geza X

His productions of "Holiday in Cambodia" for the Dead Kennedys and "Lexicon Devil" for The Germs separated California's punk sound from others at the time with its eccentricity, humor and spunk, making Los Angeles very different from the scenes in New York or London.

Giovanni Serodine

His style has the loose brushstroke and luminosity of some of the northern Caravaggisti, such as Lys, Strozzi, and Fetti, who were active in Venice; however, some of Serodine's canvases show a provincial eccentricity, for example Coronation of the Virgin in Ascona.

James Hays

Using ocean sediment cores, the Science paper verified the theories of Milutin Milanković that oscillations in climate can be correlated with Earth's orbital variations of eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession around the Sun (see Milankovitch cycles).

Me and The Beast

“ME AND THE BEAST” – They’re from London but this left field lyrical electro pop has a Björk like eccentricity, Kate Bush enigmatics in the vocals, and even a touch of the Abbas in the music….

see also