
unusual facts about inclination


171 Ophelia

A 1979 study of the Algol-like light curve produced by this asteroid concluded that it was possible to model the brightness variation by assuming a binary system with a circular orbit, a period of 13.146 hours, and an inclination of 15° to the line of sight from the Earth.

Abraham and Eugenia: Stories from Jewish Cuba

Abraham a Jewish-Cuban conveys to viewers that the inclination to integrate into the society is very intense on the island of Cuba.

Alban Berg Quartet

The Quartet's inclination and conviction was towards the Viennese classics, through the Romantic tradition to the works of Berg, Schoenberg, Webern and Bartók, and embracing great contemporary composers.

Antinomian Controversy

By 1633, Cotton's inclination toward Puritan practices had attracted the attention of Archbishop William Laud who was on a mission to suppress any preaching and practices that did not conform to the tenets of the established Anglican Church.

Ernst Graf zu Reventlow

He furiously attacked Germany's leaders for a supposed inclination to yield to the United States' demands for respect of its rights after the sinking of the Lusitania, and the Tageszeitung was suspended 25 June 1915.

Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia

In their respective pages, the Planets are listed along with their basic properties such as the year of planet’s discovery, mass, radius, orbital period, semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, longitude of periastron, time of periastron, maximum time variation, and time of transit, including all error range values.

Flight instruments

While reliable in steady level flight it can give confusing indications when turning, climbing, descending, or accelerating due to the inclination of the Earth's magnetic field.

Gorantla Venkanna

From an early age Venkanna showed inclination towards Sanskrit language and literature, Ayurveda and Yoga.

Ground track

A special case of the geosynchronous orbit, the geostationary orbit, has an eccentrity of zero (meaning the orbit is circular), and an inclination of zero in the Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed coordinate system (meaning the orbital plane is not tilted relative to the Earth's equator).

Intention tremor

Cannabis has offered as an effective treatment for individuals with tremors, but the inclination to find conclusive scientific data on such a treatment has not existed in the medical community.

Johannes Möller

Johannes' inclination towards the humanities stemmed from his father, who had befriended the likes of Henrik Steffens, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling and Friedrich Leopold zu Stolberg-Stolberg and also converted to Catholicism.

John M. Florescu

A journalist by training and a foreign policy generalist by inclination and experience, Florescu is the son of one of America's leading Balkan scholars, Radu Florescu, and the grandson of a Romanian diplomat.


Other characteristics of the dentition are shared with many members of the Sphagesauridae (such as the strong protruding forward inclination of the first pair of teeth and the presence of anterior projection on the lower jaw).

Long-slit spectroscopy

In astronomy, Long-slit spectroscopy involves observing an elongated celestial object (such as a nebula or along the major axis of a disc galaxy at high inclination) through an elongated slit aperture, and refracting this light with a prism or diffraction grating.

M. Barnard Eldershaw

Dale Spender writes that "with so little encouragement, opportunity - or inclination, given the demands of the day - she Marjorie Barnard and Flora Eldershaw ... still managed to write their classic Australian novel A House is Built (1929), and another, Green Memory (1933)".

Mathieu Molé

Hitherto Molé's relations with Cardinal Richelieu had been fairly good, but his inclination to the doctrines of Port Royal increased the differences between them.

Plesetsk Cosmodrome

Plesetsk is not ideally suited for low inclination or geostationary launches because of its high latitude of 62 degrees north (as compared to the Guiana Space Centre at 5° north or the Kennedy Space Center at around 28° north).


A badly damaged white Tura limestone pyramidion, thought to have been created for the Red Pyramid of Sneferu at Dahshur, has been reconstructed and is on open-air display beside that pyramid; it presents a minor mystery, however, as its angle of inclination is steeper than that of the edifice it was apparently created to surmount.

Richard Voss

Though intended for the life of a country gentleman, he showed no inclination for outdoor life, and on his return from the war of 1870-71, in which he was wounded, he studied philosophy at Jena and Munich, and then settled at Berchtesgaden.

Sudhir Dar

According to cartoonist Rajinder Puri, 'Dar was never by inclination a political cartoonist.

The Seeing Eye

While living in Switzerland, an American dog trainer, Dorothy Harrison Eustis, was experimenting with the inclination and ability of German Shepherds to be used as working dogs.

The seven-year itch

The phrase was first used to describe an inclination to become unfaithful after seven years of marriage in the play The Seven Year Itch (play) by George Axelrod, and gained popularity following the 1955 film adaptation starring Marilyn Monroe and Tom Ewell.

Transit of Uranus from Neptune

This is the rarest of all single transits involving the eight planets, owing to the long synodic period of 172 years (of Uranus from Neptune), the very small apparent diameter of the Sun (1.07 arc-minutes, close to the limit of human visual resolution) as seen from Neptune, and the mutual inclination of the two orbits, 1.5 degrees, which is less than that of most planetary pairs.

Tsar Cannon

It is known to have been mounted on a special frame with a fixed inclination angle in Red Square near the Place of Skulls in order to protect the eastern approaches to the Kremlin, indicating that it originally did have a practical application.

Warringah Council

The Minister for Local Government at the time, Gerry Peacocke, nevertheless announced the secession of A Riding from Warringah Council, considering that those who did not vote did not have any particular inclination to how they were governed, and thus Pittwater Council was created.

see also